Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things that make me smile :)

As many of you know, I have been going through a particularly painful break-up. So, I decided to restart my blog by posting a series of things that make me smile. I hope they make you smile, too.

Number 1: Puppies!

Number 2: Nature Anthem

Number 3: The giant, light-up, blue gummi bear I see on my way home from work.

Number 4: Mattie chasing her tail :) ... it's really funny!

Number 5: Imagining Carsten in nothing but lederhosen fighting Matt in a bear costume.

Number 6: Flight of the Conchords

These are just a few of the things that cheer me up when I'm feeling down. Anybody have any others they want to add to the list?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Since I last wrote, I have been doing a lot of traveling. I was in the US for Christmas and had a great time visiting with my family. It was especially nice to spend some time with my grandparents who I hadn't seen in a while. Then I came back to Germany and moved into a new apartment which I love! But most exciting, I went to England for the first time. I spent the first three days there at the annual meeting of the British Phycological Society. Then I played tourist in London for a few days.

I saw my first red carpet premier! Daniel Craig is there I swear!

Then I went to Newcastle and spent a few days with a very nice Scottsman. I had a personal guide around the English and Scottish countrysides. I met a man who had a dispute with a real live Lord and saw the spot where Thomas the Ryhmer fell in love with the Queen of the Fairies. It was all so very romantic!